IMAX Chicago FACTA Lawsuit
The Navy Pier IMAX has agreed to pay as much as $455,000 as a result of the class action lawsuit entitled Scott D.H. Redman v. IMAX Chicago Theater LLC d/b/a IMAX Navy Pier and d/b/a Navy Pier IMAX.
Class members contend that the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (aka FACTA) was violated when IMAX Chicago Theater LLC printed customer receipts that displayed more than the last five digits of consumers’ credit or debit card numbers (or so the class members claim).
Class members in the $455,000 IMAX Chicago FACTA Class Action Lawuit are defined as anyone who used a credit or debit card to purchase tickets between the dates of Nov. 4, 2011 through Nov. 7, 2013 and received a paper receipt. The case will be tried in the District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division and estimated pay outs are expected to be around $66 per class member.
Any questions about the lawsuit can be directed to Redman v IMAX Chicago Settlement c/o Dahl Administration PO Box 3614 Minneapolis MN 55403-0614 (by mail) or 888-236-7543 (by phone). In order to receive any type of payout the class members must file a claim by February 8, 2016 (claims can be file donline or by mail).
Please see the options below for filing a claim in the $455,000 IMAX Chicago FACTA Class Action Lawuit:
2. Download a Claim Form to complete and submit by mail